All of our gates are made from the highest quality materials and fittings

Gates & Fittings


    At Terra Firma Fencing & Landscaping, we specialise in making custom made gates that add a touch of elegance and security to your property and to provide you with well-crafted, functional, and stylish gates that perfectly suit your needs and preferences. We offer wrought iron, soft and hard wood gates.

    We make the highest quality of gates in Northumberland

    We go above and beyond what is classed as a standard quality for fitinngs always using heavy duty hinges to hang our gates. We supply all styles of fittings from galavanised powder coated to wrought iron using the highest quality screws for fitting guaranteeing a strong fitted gate.

    All of our gate fittings are of the highest of quality giving you a strong and secure fitted gate

    All of our gate posts are installed using traditional concrete and not postcrete, as postcrete is not designed to take the impact and movement of a gate and can lead to issues.
    All of our timber we use is pressure treated and we use extra thick rails for added strength to your gate.

    We guarantee your gate will last using quality materials and fittings

Our gate and fitting services covers the whole of the North East including Newcastle, Northumberland, Durham and Sunderland Tyne & Wear